Foundation Dar Si Hmad

Dar Si Hmad

Foundation Dar Si Hmad was founded in April 2010 in the town of Sidi Ifni, Morocco by its co-founders Dr. Aissa Derhem and Dr. Jamila Bargach. Grounding its projected work in the realities of Southwest Morocco and as a not-for-profit organization, its founders endowed it with the following institutional basis...

Foundation Dar Si Hmad Fog Collection Initiative

0 Prizes

Drinking Fog is the winner of many prizes and distinctions

Foundation Dar Si Hmad in Education Projects

Foundation Dar Si Hmad at the Cultural Front

Major Music Performance at the French Institut of Agadir

 Followed our Id Yanayer celebration

© Dr. Mokhtar Bouba

Our Projects


Inspired by the Brundtland Report (1987), we define our development work as the ability to meet our needs without compromising those of the future generations…


For over a decade DSH has worked in the field of Education, EDUCATION defined here in a very broad sense; some stand-alone initiatives or in cooperation with others…


For the Foundation of Dar Si Hmad,  culture covers two concomitant fields of signification, each one standing on its own, enriching the other, and both are essential, say vital…

Our Partners

We feel honored to have been supported by the following partners in our Development Projects, in our Educational Programs, and Cultural Initiatives



App B4 Imm Hamria, Avenue Al Moukaouama
Agadir 80020 - Morocco


Avenue Hassan 1er Sidi Ifni - Morocco

PO Box

PO Box 20686 Agadir Principale Agadir 80000 Morocco


(+212) 528 84 30 65


Contact Us

Address (AGADIR)

App B4 Imm Hamria, Avenue Al Moukaouama
Agadir 80020 - Morocco

Address (SIDI IFNI)

Avenue Hassan 1er Sidi Ifni
Tiznit - Morocco


(+212) 528 84 30 65
