Foundation Dar Si Hmad


Agdal Brahim Id Achour Initiative

The heirs of a local farmer the late Brahim Id Aachour bequeathed a piece of abandoned farm-land to Dar Si Hmad. The ancestors of this family had plowed and lived on this land for centuries, but in the late 80s of the 20th century, due to the effects of repeated droughts, the last of the Id Aachour household emigrated to the city in search of better living conditions.

With this plot of land in its trust, Dar Si Hmad’s goals are multiple and expand over a decade of time (2018-2028) :
Revive this now dry, desiccated piece of land and transform it into a lush-green space irrigated with fog-water.

Thanks to the optimal performance of CloudFishers, the association prides itself on having an excess of collected fog-water after fulfilling all of the communities’ needs. This blessed water is used by DSH to irrigate the land in Agdal Brahim Id Aachour. The association is fully engaged in this project that consists of transforming rocky and arid terrain in the rural county of Tnine Amellou, Id Aachour, into an oasis and a didactic agroecological farm. To be the research-site to treat the Mealybug infestation, and create a humid point against erosion and increasing desertification. As we close this initial phase, Agdal Brahim Id Aachour is an autonomous and vibrant ecosystem.
Observation and recording started in September 2018, and as of December 2022, much of the planned work is completed. With a dedicated project manager and team (students, volunteers, local community members), our terraces, as in historical times, are thriving. Our seed-library and greenhouse, Tin’Amoud, are completed, and we continue building on the success of our farmer agroecological training program Afous Ghissiki as we assist and monitor our champion-beneficiaries who are now in the process of marketing their unique organic products, creating thus sustainable means for their livelihoods and for their environment.
What to know more, check our film Put the films here… and download the following document and check our yearly reports in Our Publications

Revive this now dry, desiccated piece of land and transform it into a lush-green space irrigated with fog-water.

Be a training ground for agroecological practices respectful of the earth, and perpetuating traditional agricultural knowledge. This is a program we call Afous Ghissiki

Host the first seed-library of the region, we call it Tin’Amoud, and be the space for safeguarding local heirlooms and perpetuating the tradition of bartering and sharing unique and adaptable seeds to the dry and semi-dry local conditions

Be the experiential site for designing and proving the efficacy of a holistic, and biologically controlled fight against the Mealybug infestation of the Cactus plants in the region that started in 2018

And simply be a rallying point for a present and a future built on ecological equity and sustainability. Follow and join the sum of our initiatives. Here in detail



App B4 Imm Hamria, Avenue Al Moukaouama
Agadir 80020 - Morocco


Avenue Hassan 1er Sidi Ifni - Morocco

PO Box

PO Box 20686 Agadir Principale Agadir 80000 Morocco


(+212) 528 84 30 65


Contact Us

Address (AGADIR)

App B4 Imm Hamria, Avenue Al Moukaouama
Agadir 80020 - Morocco

Address (SIDI IFNI)

Avenue Hassan 1er Sidi Ifni
Tiznit - Morocco


(+212) 528 84 30 65
